Boris Johnson has told Donald Trump: “Racism and racist violence has no place in our society”. Responding to a question at the daily UK coronavirus briefing, Johnson said he was “appalled and sickened” by footage of George Floyd being killed by a Minneapolis police officer kneeling on his neck last week.
“I do think that people have a right to protest, to make their feelings known about injustices such as what happened to George Floyd. “
But Johnson urged people to protest peacefully and in accordance with social distancing rules,“I would urge people to protest peacefully and in accordance with the rules on social distancing.”
特鲁多称,“我们都惊恐地看着美国所发生的一切(We all watch with horror what’s going on in the United States...)”,同时特鲁多承认加拿大也存在制度性种族歧视(systemic discrimination),“现在是时候该意识到,我们也面临着挑战(It is a time for us as Canadians to recognize that we too have our challenges)”。
The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, was silent for 21 seconds in reaction to a question on Donald Trump's handling of protests across the US over the killing of George Floyd by a white police officer.
Trudeau said Canada also had to face up to 'systemic discrimination' and become allies against it.
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