当地时间8日,西雅图市的抗议示威者占领了位于国会山区暂时停用的西雅图警察局东分局,并宣称成立“国会山自治区”(Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone)。
据彭博社报道,15日,在美国白宫圆桌会议上,特朗普被记者问及是否会如此前发推特时所说,将对此采取行动。特朗普毫不犹豫答道,“我会出手的(I will do something)”。
US President Donald Trump threatened to crack down on Seattle anti-police brutality protesters who’ve taken over several blocks of the city unless municipal and state leaders move to reclaim control of the streets.
随后,特朗普抨击华盛顿州长杰伊·英斯利 (Jay Inslee)及西雅图市长珍妮·杜肯(Jenny Durkan),“你们有个啥啥都不做的州长,和一个连自己位置能不能保住都不知道的市长。”,并表示“如果他们不管这事,我来。”
“You have a governor who doesn’t do a d**n thing about it and you have a mayor that doesn’t know she’s alive,” Trump continued in his comments at the White House, “If they don’t do the job, I’ll do the job.”
Asked what he had in mind, Trump said he had “about 10 different things” he was considering “any one of which will solve the problem quickly.” But he offered no specifics or a timeline.