近日,美国杜兰大学医学院教授罗伯特·加里接受美国广播公司新闻网(ABC News)的采访时表示:新冠病毒并非源于武汉海鲜市场。
In a recent interview with ABC news, Dr. Robert Garry, a professor at the Tulane University School of Medicine, once again pointed out that it's a misconception to believe the virus originated at a seafood market in Wuhan, China.
"There’s a lot of speculation and conspiracy theories that went to a pretty high level," Dr. Robert Garry told ABC News, "so we felt it was important to get a team together to examine evidence of this new coronavirus to determine what we could about the origin."
abc News网站:“抱歉,阴谋论者。研究表明,新冠肺炎‘不是实验室构建的’”
"Our analyses, and others too, point to an earlier origin than that," Garry said. "There were definitely cases there, but that wasn't the origin of the virus."
Researchers concluded that the novel coronavirus is not a human creation because it does not share any "previously used virus backbone." It likely arose, the study said, from a recombination of a virus found in bats and another virus, possibly originating from pangolins.
COVID-19 is 96% identical to a coronavirus found in bats, researchers said, but with a certain variation that could explain what has made it so infectious.
According to Garry, the pandemic may be triggered by the mutation in surface proteins of the virus. But it's also possible that a less severe version of the illness was circulating through the population for years, perhaps even decades, before escalating to this point.
研究称,新冠病毒不是在实验室中构建的,也不是有目的性的人为操控的病毒(not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus)。
Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, supported the study’s findings, writing on his blog, "This study leaves little room to refute a natural origin for COVID-19."
According to Dr. Francis Collins, in the first scenario, as the new coronavirus evolved in its natural hosts, possibly bats or pangolins, its spike proteins mutated to bind to molecules similar in structure to the human protein, thereby enabling it to infect human cells.
The second scenario is that the new coronavirus crossed from animals into humans before it became capable of causing human disease. Then, as a result of natural evolution, the virus eventually gained the ability to spread human-to-human and cause diseases.
综合来源:央视网,央视新闻,CGTN,abc News