“Pompeo said that China denied Hong Kong residents freedoms. Here are some questions for him: did Hong Kong ever enjoy any democracy or freedom during the 156 years under British colonial rule? Was any of the former 28 Hong Kong governors elected by the Hong Kong residents? Did the Hong Kong residents then enjoy the freedom to take to the street for demonstration? ”
美方个别政客反应如此强烈,原因非常简单。他们真正关心的并不是香港所谓的“自由权利”,而是“为所欲为地破坏中国国家安全的自由”。 蓬佩奥曾说,香港的价值在于,它是可以影响中国的“自由堡垒”,这句话已经泄露了“天机”,这是他内心深处真实的想法。
“As to why the US has been reacting so strongly, the reason is plain and simple: what they care about is not the freedom enjoyed by Hong Kong residents, but the ‘freedom’ to do everything they want to sabotage China's national security. Pompeo once said that what is at stake about Hong Kong is that it is a bastion of freedom that can be used to influence China, by which his underhand intention cannot be revealed more clearly.”
“According to media reports, today in the US, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases stand at more than 1.9 million and death toll at over 110,000, while the mass protests caused by the death of George Floyd are still on-going. We are truly sorry for the American people, and we hope they can get over the difficulties as soon as possible.”
“Even under such circumstances, Mr. Pompeo is still full of lies and slanders. It's just sad. It is immoral and unhelpful that certain US politician is fanatically shifting the blame to others while neglecting serious problems at home. We hope he will waste the valuable time no more.”
近日,美国共和党参议员斯科特受访时称,美方有证据表明中国正试图破坏或延缓(slow down or sabotage)西方国家研发新冠肺炎疫苗,不希望美国率先研发出疫苗,但拒绝透露证据细节。
“This lawmaker said the US has evidence that China is trying to sabotage the development of a COVID-19 vaccine by Western countries. Well, if he does have such evidence, just show it to us. No need to be shy. There are just too many lies, rumors and slanders against China that come from certain US politicians.”
针对中方近期发布赴澳大利亚旅行提示,有记者问,中国近日建议不要去澳大利亚旅行,相关建议有什么证据?对此,发言人华春莹表示,中方发布赴澳旅行提醒有充分事实论据(China's travel alert comes with full evidence.)。过去一段时间来,澳国内针对中国、华人乃至亚裔的歧视现象层出不穷,澳大利亚媒体有大量报道。
“According to statistics collected by Australian Human Rights Commission, in the first quarter this year, hundreds of Asians filed complaints for racial discrimination, accounting for 25 percent of the total. Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that within one week in April, three racist attacks targeting Chinese families took place in Australia. From January to April, the state of New South Wales received 241 complaints for racial discrimination……Aren't those facts convincing enough?”
“The Chinese government has been responsible in reminding Chinese citizens to make proper travel plans and protect themselves from harm. We also advise the Australian side to pay attention to the problems and take concrete measures to protect the security, rights and interests of Chinese nationals in Australia.”