前段时间,#每个专业都有自己的表情包# 这个话题在微博上火了。
Most of us have had the 'what are you studying?' conversation, so much so that it has become a rehearsed dance where you get the same responses over and over again. Twitter user @hannahleidazle decided to poke fun at these groan-worthy conversations with the "what's your major" thread which has since evolved into "what's your degree in." In the viral hashtag thread, people have sarcastic fake conversations that answer questions about their college degrees, however, if you read some of them you'll see there is a little too much truth so you know some of them are based on real interactions. Scroll down to read these hilarious back-and-forths and maybe you'll even see a relateable conversation about your major.








他们没错。哈哈哈 捂脸+摊手





来源:Bored panda