不过令人没想到的是,原来有这么多人都不会写“Quarantine”这个词,还把拼成了“cornteen”、“corn and teen”、“corn of teen”等各种各样奇怪的写法……
图源:Twitter 截图
This corn of teen is getting on everyone's last nerve—at least according to Twitter. As it turns out, there are more people who can't spell "quarantine" than we'd like to believe. So. Many. Of Them. As some would say, the number of people referring to "quarantine" as "corn of teen" is just too high!
图源:Twitter 截图
图源:Twitter 截图
图源:Twitter 截图
图源:Twitter 截图
“困在咯哩之中就像是 —— 晚上再喝汤吗??”
图源:Twitter 截图
图源:Twitter 截图
图源:Twitter 截图
图源:Twitter 截图
来,跟本君拼,是quarantine,q-u-a-r-a-n-t-i-n-e,这“青少年玉米”(corn teen)真的太魔性了……
综合来源:Bored panda、Twitter